Activating this truth
- Where it all started.
- GOD’S timing
- Internal Change
- Is the Bible true?
- You are just faking it. Why is this?
- A simple servant’s robe.
- Your lonesome self.
- Those who hear.
- Bear witness—all the time!
- The power we possess in Christ.
- Trust and wait!
- Activating this truth
- Bear it all
- Some things are more important than others
- Perfection in God’s promises.
- Shut the gate behind you.
- Be filled with power!
- Are you doing enough?
- The pains of love
- Do you have EC Syndrome?
- Your Silence is deadly!
- Time to wake up, Servant.
John 16:13 AMP
But when He, the Spirit of Truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth [full and complete truth]. For He will not speak on His own initiative, but He will speak whatever He hears [from the Father—the message regarding the Son], and He will disclose to you what is to come [in the future].
“Alive in Christ”
What should our approach and aim be in this new month?
Our faith is alive and powerful beyond measure besides the limitations in our own minds; it is only by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit—the Spirit of Truth—that it creates the truth—God is alive. Without God’s spirit living in us, how will they, those who God has put on your path, know and see that we do not serve a ”church god [building]”, “book god [bible]”, statue, or idealism?
Today, you can confidently walk and talk and know that our God is alive. He is alive in you! Just because you do not tap into the spiritual world does not mean God’s kingdom is dead and broken. If only you could see past the veil between our world and the spiritual realm.
Let us take full advantage of this promise by implementing/activating this truth in our daily lives. Do you want to live a power-filled life?
Here is how you do this:
- You surrender completely; the old way of serving Christ is not going to cut it anymore. It did not work any case.
- You lay down your thoughts. [Renewal of your mind] – Romans 12:2
- Create new habits of making time for God. [Dropping worldly habits] – 1 Timothy 4:5
- Prayer is powerful; use it [act as mediator for others] – Ephesians 6:18
- Put God first in everything you do [become a servant of the kingdom] – Matthew 6:33
- Open your spiritual ears to the voice of God—the Spirit of Truth.[Allign your priorities] – 2 Chronicles 6:40
You can’t be a Harvester and have your own agenda; it is GOD or nothing!
Let’s Pray:
Father, my hope is in you and your salvation, which you offer freely. Create in me a heart that only wants what you want. I want to serve and help proclaim your kingdom. I want to be a fisher of man! Teach me how to fish…
In Jesus’ name. Amen!