The pains of love

By Koa Sinag
This entry is part 18 of 22 in the series Walk without Boundaries.

2 John 1:6 AMP

And this is love: that we walk in accordance with His commandments and are guided continually by His precepts. This is the commandment, just as you have heard from the beginning, that you should [always] walk in love.

  “Do we really love?”

Q: Is not loving enough a sin?

A: As we face many challenges, we must remind ourselves of the “law of Christ.” Christ has set an amazing standard and example for us; everything Jesus did and told us was to glorify God. Everything was done in LOVE.

We have a helper who will guide us in our daily lives when facing difficult individuals and circumstances. If we would only surrender our own understanding of the truth, it’s not about us but about the kingdom of God. This text is mainly focused on showing love to others; you can’t show love to the flat tyre that made you late for work. Love is made for souls—souls operate on love.

Today, you are going to encounter individuals who are facing real inward battles, and all they need is love. Yes, even if they lash out and are in constant bitterness and despair. Do not take it personal; maybe the only love they will receive is from you not reacting to their temper tantrums or constant moaning about everything, or instead of also lashing out, act in the opposite spirit [Galatians 5:17-25]. SHOW THEM LOVE!

You forgive them and say these words: “They do not know what they are doing; I forgive YOU!” Seems familiar? Christ uttered these words when hanging on the cross for our transgressions and unloving attitudes toward God [Luke 23:34 (AMP)].

Ask yourself this today:

How can I show love to someone who is not loveable?

Let’s Pray:

Father, thank you for saving me and showing me love when I was broken and lost. You picked me up and completed me with your love. Help me do the same for others. Help me to see them with Christ’s eyes and heart.

In Jesus’ name. Amen!

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