A simple servant’s robe.

By Koa Sinag
This entry is part 6 of 22 in the series Walk without Boundaries.

John 3:17

“For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.”

Grandeurs of deception

We are all so familiar with John 3:16, but we tend to stop paying attention after this verse. It’s like a lullaby we Christians sing: “Jesus loves me this, I know, for the Bible tells me so…sorry for you, but you are on your own!” A strange thing happens once we find salvation: we tend to think out of the blue that we are better than others—suddenly, we have been elevated into grandeurs of deception.

How long have you been pursued by God? He is relentless and won’t stop until the good work in you is complete. Do you think your salvation was instant, and you will never sin no more? You are wrong; it’s a slow process of healing, continual growth, and surrendering more of “self” to God.

Just know this: Until the last day—Judgment day—there is always hope and a chance of grace! If God does not condemn or judge, who are we to set ourselves above what Jesus has done? What if God saved you for the sole purpose that you should go out into the world and pursue, track down, and bring others to Christ?

Just read what it says again: “but to save the world through him.” – We, as the hands and feet [body] of Christ, need to be willing and able to serve as Christ did. Jesus knew his purpose here on earth, and so do we. The Bible tells us so, but we believe this is meant for others. We all fall short of God’s grace; we all need forgiveness daily. We all need to proclaim God’s mercy act!

So, if we need to become like Christ, then, in truth, we also need to do what Christ did. He laid down his life for all, so that everyone can come and ask for God’s grace and forgiveness. Let us throw off the delusions of grandeur and dress ourselves in a simple servant’s robe—serve Christ with one mind and one goal.

Let’s Pray:

Father, burn a fire of hope within me that is hotter than the sun. Test my heart and remove that which is not from you! Make me into a pursuer of lost souls. Make me strong and brave!

In Jesus’ name. Amen!

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