Be filled with power!
- Where it all started.
- GOD’S timing
- Internal Change
- Is the Bible true?
- You are just faking it. Why is this?
- A simple servant’s robe.
- Your lonesome self.
- Those who hear.
- Bear witness—all the time!
- The power we possess in Christ.
- Trust and wait!
- Activating this truth
- Bear it all
- Some things are more important than others
- Perfection in God’s promises.
- Shut the gate behind you.
- Be filled with power!
- Are you doing enough?
- The pains of love
- Do you have EC Syndrome?
- Your Silence is deadly!
- Time to wake up, Servant.
Luke 11:13
“If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!””
“Can you feel your faith come alive?”
Q: How do you receive the Holy Spirit?
A: All you need to do is ask [Matthew 21:22 AMP]. There is no price or thing you can do that makes you worthy of receiving the Holy Spirit; it is God’s gift to us. The only requirement is that you love Jesus Christ. It’s given freely and without measure as a sign, a mark of God’s approval of you being His child.
What makes our faith real in this lost world is our helper—the Spirit of Truth—by him living within us, we will never be alone, and we become alive in Christ and GOD. This is the competition of your resurrection from your old life; you get switched on, powered up by God himself—His knowledge and power all in you!
The world’s slogan they live by is “seeing is believing,” but our motto in Christ is “faith is believing.” We have all our hope in what is not seen and what is to come. In the eyes of the world, this is madness and foolishness, but because I feel the Spirit of Truth within me, I need to follow, listen, speak boldly, and leap into faith.
Without his spirit in us, we are empty and void of power! This power of Christ living in us is endless and has no bounds; it is ours to use to glorify God and his kingdom.
Ask yourself this today:
What is stopping you from receiving the Holy Spirit? How do we remedy this?
Let’s Pray:
Father, thank you for not abandoning us, for not leaving us hopeless without a helper. I am ready to receive your Spirit right now, here, where I am sitting. Come, Spirit of God, come live in me.
Father, fill me now with your power and presence. Break open the bonds that are holding me captive. Activate your spirit within me! Let your power become alive in me. I surrender!