Your battles getting to big?

This entry is part 1 of 14 in the series Let's Pray

Prayer: Lord, you are my only Hope and I come to you first; MY FIRST LOVE! How will I ever make it without you – How will I survive the storms of life? You carry me and protect me – wherever I might go. You have my back like a loyal big brother. I must…


This entry is part 2 of 14 in the series Let's Pray

Rise o sleepy one. Lord JESUS, I pray for the heart of the one which are reading this message right now. There deep in the midst of their despair, I ask you reach in and touch – not just spiritually but in an actual TOUCH by your hand – touch their lives; that those who…

I Surrender – I PRAY.

This entry is part 3 of 14 in the series Let's Pray

I Surrender… I Pray to the one who completes me – the one who fills the void in my heart – please help! Liberate my desolate, lonely soul… serve me with your amazing presence and complete the good works in me. I am but a wanderer – a vagabond – the called prodigal son/daughter. Pour…

Fence rider

This entry is part 4 of 14 in the series Let's Pray

Get off the Fence Those who follow and fumble, who fall but cannot rise again – there is hope and a Bright new future – a new life with the only true King. Fences are made to keep things out – which should not. Fences are put up to protect things that are inside. Fences…

Show me your Heart – I Pray

This entry is part 5 of 14 in the series Let's Pray

Lord, you’re true to your nature and that is LOVE. In this world love is a scarcity and everyone longs for it – longs for you, but they just don’t know it. No one is sure how to show it or how to access it, but you are consistent in your loyalty and faithfulness. You…