Perfection in God’s promises.

By Koa Sinag
This entry is part 14 of 22 in the series Walk without Boundaries.

Exodus 33:14 AMP

“And the LORD said, “My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest [by bringing you and the people into the promised land].” [Deut 3:20]

“The process of a promise”

A: When God promises you something, you can bet your socks on it that He will deliver. The problem is mostly God’s timing, which throws off our plans and expectations. His plans and thoughts are much more integrated, and there is much more detail than we can comprehend.

When you get your promise fulfilled, it is not just you who benefits from it. Your lifeline crosses with so many others; by God fulfilling His promise or something you prayed for so long, others also benefit from this. If God just gives us what we need and want instantly, others won’t get their promises fulfilled or postponed.

Let me explain: In your waiting period, God will send souls into your sphere of influence who need to meet you, get inspired, or teach them something so that they can get a bit closer to their promise(s). God will also send people on your path you need to meet, which will help you come closer to your promises being delivered. There is no skipping any step; if you trust God, you wait! You let the process of completing a promise flow freely, and you let God work through you while you wait in full expectation!

Waiting is like a preparation phase so that when you do get those promises fulfilled, you might actually get why you got them in the first place and not mess things up.

Ask yourself this today:
So, what is your approach? Do you become bitter, or do you wait in confidence and praise while you wait?

Let’s Pray:
Father, as you have delivered so many promises to me, let my actions help others get their promises fulfilled. Use me and teach me to be an empty vessel so that your perfect processes will take dominance in others’ lives. I surrender!

In Jesus’ name. Amen!

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