September 2023 New Releases

By Koa Sinag

September 2023 New Releases

New Books and Bibles

Below is a list of the new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway. Titles include Five Lies of Our Anti-Chrisitan Age by Rosaria Butterfield and Ditigal Liturgies by Samuel James.

Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age

Rosaria Butterfield

In this powerful book, Rosaria Butterfield uses Scripture to confront 5 common lies about sexuality, faith, feminism, gender roles, and modesty often promoted in our secular culture today. Written in the style of a memoir, this book explores Butterfield’s personal battle with these lies—interwoven with cultural studies, literary criticism, and theology—to help readers see the beauty in biblical womanhood, marriage, and motherhood.

“The world is always trying to replace Christianity with a spiritual counterfeit that is another religion entirely, as J. Gresham Machen pointed out a century ago. Rosaria Butterfield exposes today’s ideologies that seek to force the church into the mold of sexual perversion and self-deification. And she reminds us in this well-written and easy-to-read book that the answer to these soul-destroying lies remains the same as it always was: knowing and abiding in God’s word so that the truth will set us free. Highly recommended!”
Joel R. Beeke, President, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary

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Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age Study Guide

Rosaria Butterfield

In her powerful book Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age, Rosaria Butterfield uses Scripture to challenge 5 common lies about sexuality, faith, feminism, gender roles, and modesty that are often promoted in our secular culture today. This study guide, designed to be used alongside the book, invites individuals and groups to dive deeper into the key points of each chapter. Featuring chapter summaries, engaging questions, and Bible verses for further reading, the Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age Study Guide inspires women to preserve godly values around womanhood and offers guidance as they shepherd the next generation.

“As I read this cogent, trenchant, and timely declaration of gospel sanity, I was constantly reminded of the words of Christ: ‘You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free’ (John 8:32). Rosaria Butterfield has afforded us a much-needed caveat to the prevailing untruths of our day while simultaneously redirecting us to the pathway of freedom.”
George Grant, Pastor, Parish Presbyterian Church, Franklin, Tennessee; author, The Micah Mandate

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Remaking the World: How 1776 Created the Post-Christian West

Andrew Wilson

In Remaking the World, Andrew Wilson highlights 7 major developments from the year 1776—globalization, the Enlightenment, the Industrial Revolution, the Great Enrichment, the American Revolution, the rise of post-Christianity, and the dawn of Romanticism—and explains their relevance to social changes happening today. Carefully examining key documents and historical figures, Wilson demonstrates how a monumental number of political, philosophical, economic, and industrial changes in the year of America’s founding shaped the modern West into a “WEIRDER” society: Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, Democratic, Ex-Christian, and Romantic. This thoroughly researched yet accessible book offers a unique historical perspective on modern views of family, government, religion, and morality—giving Christians the historical lens they need to understand today’s post-Christian trends and respond accordingly.

“Andrew Wilson is a wise and witty guide through the eventful year 1776 (eventful in, as he shows, sometimes surprising ways). He convincingly demonstrates that we’re still living in the wake of that historical moment—and offers shrewd suggestions for how Christians might navigate those rough waters.”
Alan Jacobs, Distinguished Professor of Humanities, Baylor University

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Digital Liturgies: Rediscovering Christian Wisdom in an Online Age

Samuel D. James

In Digital Liturgies, tech-realist Samuel D. James examines the connection between patterns in technology and human desires. Everyone longs for a glimpse of heaven; James argues they are just looking for it in the wrong place—the internet. This accessible book exposes 5 “digital liturgies” that prohibit people from contemplating big truths, accepting the uncomfortable, and acknowledging God as their Creator. It then calls readers to live faithfully before Christ, finding wisdom through Scripture and rest in God’s perfect design.

“This is such a wise and insightful book. Its power lies in the way it exposes truths not just about the digital world but about us: the things we want, the way we try to find them, how the internet weaponizes them in ways we may not have noticed, and what we can do about it. Penetrating without being frightening, and positive without being naïve, Digital Liturgies is the guide we need.”
Andrew Wilson, Teaching Pastor, King’s Church London

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Authority: How Godly Rule Protects the Vulnerable, Strengthens Communities, and Promotes Human Flourishing

Jonathan Leeman

In this compelling guide from 9Marks, Jonathan Leeman shows that authority, done biblically, is not only good, but is essential to human flourishing. Through Scripture and many first-hand stories, he presents 5 attributes of positive authority and warns against sinfulness that corrupts leadership. Pointing to Jesus as the ultimate model of good authority, Leeman equips readers to pursue godly influence in their personal and professional lives.

“In a world where authority is constantly being questioned, Jonathan Leeman reminds us to steward our authority for God’s glory. He helpfully examines both good and bad practices and guides us toward better examples of God-given authority.”
Gordon Reid, President, Stop and Shop LLC

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The Lord of Psalm 23: Jesus Our Shepherd, Companion, and Host

David Gibson

David Gibson walks through each verse in Psalm 23, thoroughly examining its 3 depictions of the believer’s union with Christ as sheep and shepherd, traveler and companion, and guest and host. Gibson provides canonical context for the Psalm’s beautiful imagery, inspiring praise and wonder as readers reflect on the loving Shepherd who meets every need.

“There is no passage of Scripture I have turned to as frequently or as desperately as Psalm 23. It has blessed, guided, and strengthened me in my hardest seasons and darkest days. Yet I have not come close to mastering its content or exhausting its riches—something that became clear as I read this lovely, helpful, challenging, easy-to-read guide to one of the Bible’s brightest treasures. I give it my highest recommendation.”
Tim Challies, author, Seasons of Sorrow

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A Christian’s Guide to Mental Illness: Answers to 30 Common Questions

David Murray
Tom Karel

A Christian’s Guide to Mental Illness answers 30 commonly asked questions about mental health from a Christian perspective. Intended for caregivers, this accessible resource will equip family, friends, and churches with wisdom for caring for individuals with mental health illnesses. Authors David Murray and Tom Karel use a holistic approach as they share personal stories, professional expertise, and biblical wisdom to tackle difficult questions—ultimately providing hope for the hopeless and rest for the weary.

“This project answers the important questions, and the personal stories of the authors and their commitment to making this material accessible has brought it all close enough to enhance our wisdom, patience, gentleness, and perseverance. The light on the hill will be a bit brighter because of it.”
Edward T. Welch, Counselor and Faculty Member, Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation; author, I Have a Psychiatric Diagnosis: What Does the Bible Say?

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Go and Do Likewise: A Call to Follow Jesus in a Life of Mercy and Mission

Amy DiMarcangelo

From a theological perspective, Go and Do Likewise explores God’s grand story of redemption to uncover how ordinary Christians can extend God’s compassion to those in need. Author Amy DiMarcangelo builds on biblical principles and provides discussion questions for everyday application. This practical book encourages believers to joyfully engage in Christ’s mission—relying on the gospel to spur mercy, justice, and generosity to those who need it most.

“I was challenged by this book in the best ways. Each chapter quickened my heart to Christ’s. Amy DiMarcangelo reminded me of the real words and deeds and calling of my Savior. That alone was so encouraging. But then she showed me how to go and do likewise in my own life and context. This book is both worshipful and practical. It can feel overwhelming to see the needs of the world and not know how to engage. But I ended the book with both the peace of my sovereign Savior and the urgency of his call to go. If you want to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, start here.”
Jen Oshman, author, Enough about Me and Cultural Counterfeits; Women’s Ministry Coordinator, Redemption Parker, Colorado

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The Lord Bless You and Keep You: The Promise of the Gospel in the Aaronic Blessing

Michael J. Glodo

Faces are often referred to as the window to the soul, displaying emotion and providing relational clarity between individuals. This theme of faces reverberates throughout Scripture, first appearing with Adam and Eve and notably surfacing in the Aaronic benediction in Numbers 6. The Lord Bless You and Keep You explores this benediction to discover the important connection between a person’s face and the face of God—finding that through faces, God shines the light of the gospel upon his people and offers his grace, goodness, and blessing to those who believe in him.

“Deep in the Reformation worship tradition of both Luther and Calvin is the consistent use of the Aaronic blessing. So it is a delight and a privilege to read and recommend Michael Glodo’s book-length treatment of this beautiful and powerful portion of God’s word, deepening our understanding and renewing our use of our Reformed heritage.”
Bryan Chapell, Stated Clerk, Presbyterian Church in America

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Jesus and the Gift of Friendship

Trillia Newbill

In this thoughtful children’s book, readers journey with Zeke as he suffers from missing a close friend and experiences rejection after inviting a neighborhood boy to play. With help from his mom and consistent prayer, Zeke develops an unlikely friendship and an important dependence on Christ.

Jesus and the Gift of Friendship will spur hope and comfort in the lives of kids ages 3–6, teaching little ones to embrace friendship as a blessing from God and a reflection of Jesus—our dearest friend and ultimate provider.

Jesus and the Gift of Friendship is a theologically rich and engaging read for kids that will remind them that God is the giver of good gifts, listens when they pray, is always with them, and sent his Son so that they could be friends of God.”
Amy Gannett, Founder and Creator, Tiny Theologians; Writer and Bible Teacher, The Bible Study Schoolhouse; author, Fix Your Eyes

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God Cares for Me

Kristen Wetherell

This board book uses repetition, easy-to-understand language, and interactive elements to keep kids engaged and coming back again and again. Deeply rooted in Scripture, Wetherell’s words highlight God’s power, creativity, and provision for his people to teach children about the comfort found in Christ.

“Simple words. Deep truth. Beautifully illustrated. The For the Bible Tells Me So board books provide families with a fantastic resource their little ones are sure to love. Kristen Wetherell’s poetic truths are perfectly paired with Grace Habib’s soft and colorful illustrations. I’ll be reading these to my grandkids.”
Marty Machowski, Executive Pastor, Covenant Fellowship Church, Glen Mills, Pennsylvania; author, The Ology; WonderFull; and The Treasure

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God Speaks to Me

Kristen Wetherell

This board book uses repetition, easy-to-understand language, and interactive elements to keep kids engaged and coming back again and again. Deeply rooted in Scripture, Wetherell shares the nature of God’s words which are sweet, comforting, and immovable—ultimately encouraging children to trust, obey, and follow Christ all their days.

“These playful board books are a great resource for training and discipling young children. In them, you’ll find precious truths about God that families can reflect upon and rejoice in as they read together.”
Hunter Beless, Founder, Journeywomen; author, Read It, See It, Say It, Sing It! and Amy Carmichael: The Brown-Eyed Girl Who Learned to Pray

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God Hears Me

Kristen Wetherell

This board book uses repetition, easy-to-understand language, and interactive elements to keep kids engaged and coming back again and again. Formatted for child interaction, the text provides a line for the caregiver to read and a responsive action for the child to perform. Deeply rooted in Scripture, Wetherell teaches children the importance of depending on Christ through prayer and praising him through all of life’s circumstances.

“Parents are our children’s first theology teachers. Our home is a school; the world is our classroom. Kristen Wetherell has given us these precious board books to help us with our most important task as parents: introducing our children to our Almighty God! This series captures imagination, cultivates a love for books, and nurtures a sense of wonder in our littlest readers.”
Irene Sun, author, Taste and See: All about God’s Goodness

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Lucy and the Saturday Surprise

Melissa B. Kruger

Everyone struggles with wanting what others have. Lucy and the Saturday Surprise helps children understand the dangers of letting desire fester into envy. Through colorful illustrations and engaging characters, Lucy’s story shows kids how to fight against envy and reminds us all that Jesus offers freedom from both the penalty and power of sin. A TGC Kids book.

“We’ve all been in Lucy’s shoes: seeing something that someone has and wanting it too. Melissa Kruger helps us put words to that temptation so we can help our children grow and change. Lucy and the Saturday Surprise is a wonderful story and provides a lesson that will help kids for the rest of their lives.”
Trillia Newbell, author, Jesus and the Gift of Friendship; The Big Wide Welcome; and God’s Very Good Idea

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Journey to Bethlehem: A Treasury of Classic Christian Devotionals

Leland Ryken

Journey to Bethlehem presents an insightful selection of Christmas classics from the greatest English and American poets to important historical church figures such as Augustine, Luther, Calvin, and Spurgeon. Ideal for reading during the month of December, yet applicable for use year-round, each of the 30 readings consists of a classic work, literary analysis, takeaway summary, and Bible passage.

Literary expert Leland Ryken analyzes each hymn, poem, and prose to approach these classic works in a fresh way. By highlighting how each passage is edifying and stylistically satisfying, readers will experience a new fondness for these classic works as they meditate on the mystery of Christ’s incarnation.

“To read Journey to Bethlehem is to take a class in poetry, church history, and theology all at once—and to do so with a master teacher. And like the best teachers, Leland Ryken doesn’t just instruct, but he also delights. You will learn new things about old favorites in these pages as well as encounter hidden gems from the best Christian poets, preachers, and thinkers. This book is a gift—not only for Christmas but for any time.”
Karen Swallow Prior, author, On Reading Well: Finding the Good Life through Great Books

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O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

Jonathan Gibson

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel by Jonathan Gibson presents a 40-day devotional liturgy guiding readers through Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany—helping them keep their eyes fixed on Christ. Designed as a resource for the holiday season, each reading includes a guided meditation, applicable Scripture readings, hymns, prayers, creeds, and prompts for petition and confession. For individuals and families, this devotional will help Christians focus on Jesus and meditate on the mystery of his incarnation.

“Jonny Gibson’s Be Thou My Vision has become an integral part of my personal worship time with the Lord, as well as a liturgical resource to use in planning for corporate worship. I am elated by the news of his latest project, focusing our attention and preparing our hearts for the Advent season. What a gift to the believer and to the church!”
Laura Story, recording artist; Worship Leader, Perimeter Church, Atlanta, Georgia

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ESV Daily Reading Bible: A Guided Journey through God’s Word

This two-year plan assigns readings to weekdays and leaves the weekends free for further study, deeper reflection, or catching up on missed days. Each reading features brief introductions and notes by Greg Gilbert and Alex Duke, 2–3 chapters of Scripture, and space to answer a reflection question—inviting readers to thoughtfully engage with every chapter of the Bible. Believers in all stages of life will find encouragement in this specially designed reading plan that meets them where they are, helping them to stay motivated as they develop new and lasting habits.

“We are building all our future ministry around the ESV. . . . The ESV satisfies the preaching, memorizing, studying, and reading needs of our church, from children to adults.”
John Piper, Founder and Teacher,; Chancellor, Bethlehem College & Seminary; author, Desiring God

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ESV Heirloom Bible, Alpha Edition

The ESV Heirloom Bible, Alpha Edition combines high-quality elegance with readability and portability. It utilizes a generous font size and a spacious, double-column layout while maintaining a portable trim size. Manufactured with the finest materials, this Bible is printed and bound with unparalleled craftsmanship by Royal Jongbloed in the Netherlands and features a premium leather cover, high-quality European Bible paper, art gilding, and a ribbon marker. Guaranteed to last a lifetime, the ESV Heirloom Bible, Alpha Edition is a treasure for anyone who values God’s Word.

“We are building all our future ministry around the ESV. . . . The ESV satisfies the preaching, memorizing, studying, and reading needs of our church, from children to adults.”
John Piper, Founder and Teacher,; Chancellor, Bethlehem College & Seminary; author, Desiring God

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