Look for Him now!

By Koa Sinag

Habakkuk 2:3

“It may seem slow in coming, but wait for it; it will certainly take place and it will not be delayed”

False commitment

This verse, gets interpreted and used normally to encourage the church, but today it will be used as a warning. Our God is slow to anger and full of immense grace, but when He has had enough, his judgment is swift.

Yes, I am going to say it; thinking that someone going to church makes them exempt from the anger of God, is foolish and shows just how blinded we all have become. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and sadly, the “church” of God is all on its way to hell! Good works is not enough!

Our God is a very jealous God and requires total commitment. We are not part of this world, but for some reason we have integrated and camouflaged our Christian stripes, all in the name of not making a stand or respecting others’ views. It is cowardice to do what we have done.

It is time to wake up, church; most of us won’t even be seeing heaven, but the only gates you will see are those of hell. Turn around and recommit your life to Christ now while He is near. We are living in really exciting times but let us search for God the Father more and help bring His kingdom here on earth.


Father, this is an earnest prayer for the salvation of your church. We know the name of Jesus but not the person. Please forgive us as we have not known you or served you in the right way. We humbly ask, please forgive us and tear the blind scabs from our eyes. Be merciful to those leaders which has misled and benefited from leading your people into sin. We need you–please do not look away! Save us!

Father, we have been misled to follow the church and not Your true ways. We have been following the institution and not the God of the institution. Show your face in our lives; teach us your ways as if they are new. Wipe the lies from your church and cleanse us with your Son’s blood. Let us become your BLOOD people, a people who follow your heart and not the prescribed dogmatic rule of man. Let us hear your voice again–please make us alive again!

In Jesus’ name.

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