Be the lamp for someone today.
- Slowly but surely you will lose GOD
- Abyss of my own making
- How blind can you be?
- How humble are you?
- The call of Noah
- The truths of your heart
- The clutter of Filth IN YOUR MIND!
- If GOD say NO – say YES!
- Leap out of “your own skin.”
- Be the lamp for someone today.
- On the things of above
- Rebuild your ruins on rock!
- Bit complacent?
- Serve Christ fully.
1 Peter 1:18-19
“For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.”
Make it count.
We have been redeemed and should, in all things, reflect Jesus in this imperfect world. I understand that it is not always easy to be around people who think and feel different from yourself, but it is not an impossible task. You were placed in those circumstances for a reason—not to test you but for you to shine God into those individuals’ lives.
No one is exempt from salvation, and every soul should be pursued with vigour, like a shepherd searching for that one lost lamb. When that final breath comes, all things are lost. Until then, we as the message bearers should shout loudly and without cease the mercy story of God.
Today, as we walk among those who do not know or choose to reject Christ, let us shine like the city on the hill. The harvest is ready, and the workers are few!
Be the change; be the lamp for someone today!
Father, I surrender as I see the error of my ways. I do recognize that I was not sent to live a comfortable life, but a life in Christ for God’s glory.
I open my heart’s doors so that my light can shine out into this dark, scary world—even when this makes me venerable and open to attack from the enemy.
I decree a new season of living under God’s grace and a clear voice that will sing, shout, and proclaim the Good News!
Here is my life. Make with me as you please.
In Jesus’ name. Amen!