Is your mind falling apart?

By Koa Sinag
This entry is part 4 of 5 in the series Besides the Storms

3 John 1:11 (AMP)

Beloved, do not imitate what is evil, but [imitate] what is good. The one who practices good [exhibiting godly character, moral courage and personal integrity] is of God; the one who practices [or permits or tolerates] evil has not seen God [he has no personal experience with Him and does not know Him at all]. [1 John 3:6]


Q: Will they know you serve Christ?

A: I was not sure what to write about today, but the word DETRIMENTAL popped up in my mind when I read 3 John 1:11.

Let us break down detrimental: Some common synonyms of detrimental are baneful, deleterious, noxious, and pernicious. While all these words mean “exceedingly harmful,” detrimental implies obvious harmfulness to something specific.

Detri~ stems from Detritus which is a term that refers to loose material that results directly from disintegration. It can be rock fragments or organic particles. The word “detritus” comes from the Latin word “detritus,” which means “a wearing away”.

~Mental (adj.) (early 15 century.), “in, of, or pertaining to the mind; characteristic of the intellect,” from Late Latin mentalis “of the mind,” from Latin mens (genitive mentis) “mind,” from PIE root *men- (1) “to think.” In Middle English, also “of the soul, spiritual.”

Let’s try putting it in layman’s terms: The disintegration and wearing away of any intellectual character pertaining to your Mind, Soul or Spirituality. Basically, a Fragmented Mind or Fragmented Soul.

We can see this in our world and communities today—our society is fracturing at the seams because emphasis is put on pleasure and self-signification. People’s minds are slowly disintegrating into nothing as all sense is put aside. Mental illness was treated not so long ago, now you can just be “detrimental” and all is well—it is your right to be unstable and unhealed.

It is very important to understand that what we bring into our homes is so important and can be detrimental to family life and the church. What we allow as the norm will set the pathways for our children.

As we are creatures that exist mostly in our minds and souls, we need to control what controls us! If you think like the world, you are of this world! You will walk and talk like them. Only if we are led by the Spirit of Truth will we be able to differentiate the lies from the truth.

Let the change begin—renew your mind! [Romans 12:2 amp]

Ask yourself this today:

Am I doing enough to set myself apart for the kingdom of God? Will they truly know I’m different from them?

Let’s Pray:

Father, the keeper of my soul, I bow down and submit my life and will to the knowledge, truths and precepts of your Kingdom.

Help me to understand the importance of standing out, to SHINE my light and not shy away from difficult conversations with those you set on my path.

I bless you and praise your Holy Name. May my actions not harm (Detritus) the minds (souls) of those who are seeking you. I surrender!

In Jesus’ name. Amen!

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