Roads of Suffering leads to Gods glory.

By Koa Sinag
This entry is part 5 of 5 in the series Besides the Storms

Psalm 121:7-8

The Lord will protect you from all evil;

He will keep your life.

8The Lord will guard your going out and your coming in [everything that you do]

From this time forth and forever. [Deut 28:6; Prov 2:8; 3:6]

  “Why is God not guarding me?”

Q: Does it mean I am sinning when bad things happen?

A: In an ideal, perfect world, this text would be true, but we are living in a fallen, imperfect world. So, why am I going through a bad season when Psalms 121 says that God will protect and guard me? Sometimes these things are unclear but If only we can step back and trust God’s calling on our lives.

We need to remind ourselves that most/all of the books in the Bible were written by mere men; yes, some text in the Bible was inspired by the Holy Spirit, but not all. Why do I say this? If Psalm 121 was written by God and is his word, these words would lose power and contradict the truth we are facing when bad times befall us, because we all go through bad times, some worse than others. [James1:2, James1:12]

Does this mean that when bad times come, we are punished because we are living in sin? No, suffering and trials are part and parcel of living on this planet.  We can take heart and have hopeful anticipation that our God will always be loyal and save us from calamity. In the midst of our worst moments, God is always present and working for the good of those who love Him [Romans 8:28].

Bad things happen to good people as well; you did nothing wrong! As long as you have a heartbeat, the enemy and his minions will try to wipe you from this earth. Give this suffering to God right now; let Him use your life’s story for the glory and honour of His name. I know it’s not easy, but let it go.

Ask yourself this today:

How many times has God stood next to you in trials and you didn’t notice?

Let’s Pray:

Father, Thank you for all the times you held my hand and stood by me in hard times. If only I knew, if only I could understand that you will never leave nor forsake me ever.

I would love for this suffering to stop right now, but if this is for the glory of your name, let it be! I surrender… Praise be to your name!

In Jesus’ name. Amen!

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