How blind can you be?

By Koa Sinag
This entry is part 3 of 15 in the series Slowly

Years of self-harm only had one outcome—full disaster!  In my foolish thinking, I was under the impression that I would be fine—I WAS WRONG.

I was Gracefully “REBOOTED”, and that is when I realized that nothing but the love of Christ could change me; only his blood could set me free from the lies that were scattered all over my life. This destructive mindset was deeply embedded in my thinking and being. I was ready for a change, although I was not aware of it, but my soul was crying out and ready for extreme change.

God graciously came to my rescue once more and lifted the veil of darkness from my eyes. My life was in shambles and seemed in disrepair. All my choices and actions combined brought me to this desolate place. I could not believe my eyes, but I was faced with a real world.

Finally, I was forced to take account of my actions; I had to admit that my obsessive behavior consumed everything about me. It ruled my life from sunrise to sunset. These addictions of mine helped to silence the pain, but this fake and temporary solution only lasted for a short while, until the next fix.

If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction —of any kind, know that there is always hope. Seek support, surround yourself with positivity, and remember that you are never alone in this battle. Life may knock you down, but with resilience and determination, you can rise above the darkness and embrace a brighter future.

Maybe this article touched a nerve, or you realize how far you have drifted from God. Maybe it is time to come Home – it is time to SURRENDER. If you need help or just want us to pray for you, please get hold of us

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