What Muslims Misunderstand about Christianity

By Koa Sinag

What Muslims Misunderstand about Christianity

Cultural Misconceptions

There are a lot of misconceptions about Christianity that are coming from the Islam side. One of the most vivid misunderstandings is that Christianity is the West. That’s a cultural thing because Muslims always think that Islam is both a religion and a state, so they don’t really distinguish between what the West does and what Christianity is. So in their minds, Christianity is the same as the West—which is really not true. But this is a misunderstanding around cultural lines.

Now, there are some theological misunderstandings, one of which is they think that Christians worship three gods. “You Christians worship three gods.” No, I really don’t! We don’t. We only worship one—the one only God.

And I show them from Scripture—from the Old Testament and New Testament—how this is so clear. Even Jesus in the New Testament clearly states the oneness of God. But I also tell them that this one God in our Christian understanding exists in three persons. There are effective ways to discuss this and explain this in a convincing way to our Muslim friends. This is a theological misunderstanding.

We can actually prove to our Muslim neighbors that the Bible is the true word of God. It’s reliable. It’s what God gave us to reveal himself.

One final theological misunderstanding is that Muslims think the Christians Bible is corrupt. No, we can actually prove to our Muslim neighbors that the Bible is the true Word of God. It’s reliable. It’s what God gave us to reveal himself. And this is another misconception about the Bible—that it is corrupt. And Christians need to be prepared to engage the cultural misunderstandings and the theological misunderstandings.

A. S. Ibrahim is the author of Reaching Your Muslim Neighbor with the Gospel.

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Author: A. S. Ibrahim

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