What Peter and Jude Would Say to the Contemporary Church

What Peter and Jude Would Say to the Contemporary Church July 07, 2023 by: Matthew S. Harmon False Teaching One of the things that makes 2 Peter and Jude so relevant to our contemporary situation is the fact that they address issues that the church still faces today. One in particular that comes out very…

I’ll Be More Faithful When I’m Older

I’ll Be More Faithful When I’m Older July 06, 2023 by: Glenna Marshall Practice Faithfulness Today In my twenties I thought: Twenty years from now, I will one day wake up faithful. I was busy at a job. I had kids. I would get to be this wise Christian woman that I desired to be…

What Is the “Common Good”?

What Is the “Common Good”? July 04, 2023 by: Andrew T. Walker Social Ethics 101 The common good is one of the most important concepts in social ethics. Problematically, it has been understood as a predominantly Catholic concept through its use in Christian ethics. And I don’t think that has to be the case. The…

Observing the Sabbath Starts on Monday Morning

Observing the Sabbath Starts on Monday Morning July 02, 2023by: Guy Prentiss Waters Prepare All Week When it comes to observing the Sabbath, one of the best pieces of advice I received as a young Christian from an older minister was that observing the Sabbath starts on Monday morning. What does he mean by that?…

The Center of the Center of the Pentateuch

The Center of the Center of the Pentateuch July 02, 2023 by: Ian J. Vaillancourt The Day of Atonement If you look at the structure of the Pentateuch, we’ve got five books. Right in the middle, we’ve got Leviticus. So that suggests maybe Leviticus is central, at least structurally. We could also observe that, if…