What Peter and Jude Would Say to the Contemporary Church

What Peter and Jude Would Say to the Contemporary Church July 07, 2023 by: Matthew S. Harmon False Teaching One of the things that makes 2 Peter and Jude so relevant to our contemporary situation is the fact that they address issues that the church still faces today. One in particular that comes out very…

How (and How Not) to Read the Psalms

How (and How Not) to Read the Psalms June 20, 2023 by: Bruce K. Waltke, Fred G. Zaspel This article is part of the How (and How Not) series. Hunt and Find For many reasons, the book of Psalms is a favorite of most Christians. Although we all have derived spiritual benefit from this ancient…

10 Things You Should Know about the Fall

10 Things You Should Know about the Fall June 17, 2023 by: Mitchell L. Chase This article is part of the 10 Things You Should Know series. 1. The fall refers to the rebellion of God’s image-bearers in the garden of Eden. Genesis 3 is a threshold in the Bible’s storyline. While dwelling in a…

What Muslims Misunderstand about Christianity

What Muslims Misunderstand about Christianity June 15, 2023 by: A. S. Ibrahim Cultural Misconceptions There are a lot of misconceptions about Christianity that are coming from the Islam side. One of the most vivid misunderstandings is that Christianity is the West. That’s a cultural thing because Muslims always think that Islam is both a religion…