Theological Words In The New Testament…

By Koa Sinag

Theological Words In The New Testament…

Jesus turned, and seeing her he said, “Take heart, daughter; your faith has made you well.” And instantly[a] the woman was made well. – Matthew 9:22

“Matthew 9:22 starts with some of the most profound theological words I’ve ever read in the New Testament… But Jesus turned around.” Pastor Judah Smith preaches on the unclean woman, and encourages us in our faith as we seek not to hide away from God’s healing, but to run towards it, with open arms. Not only is Jesus willing to show us mercy, but he is adamant and passionate about revealing His grace to us. So we, as the body of Christ should be passionate about showing grace towards others.

Watch, listen, be reminded of the grace you have been given, and the grace you should so freely give!


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