Give and Give and Give!

By Koa Sinag

What a blessing it is to share with others what God has given us! When we do so, we are not only showing our gratitude and love for Him, but also opening the door for more blessings to come our way. God is not stingy or tight-fisted with His gifts. He delights in giving generously to His children, and He promises to reward those who give generously to others.

The more we give, the more we receive. The more we receive, the more we can give. It’s a wonderful cycle of grace and generosity that God invites us to join. He will not measure our gifts by how much we have, but by how much we are willing to give. He will not compare us with others, but with ourselves. He will not withhold any good thing from us, but pour out His abundance into our hands—more than we can imagine or contain. He will use the same standard that we use for others to measure His gifts to us. Let us then be cheerful and generous givers, knowing that God is the ultimate giver and source of all good things.

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