How to Fight Well in the War against Porn

How to Fight Well in the War against Porn July 08, 2023 by: Ray Ortlund Guard1 your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.—Prov. 4:23 Guard Your Heart from Lustful Thoughts Many people believe they’ll flourish from the outside in, but we believe we flourish from the inside out. We…

He turned everything over to him

The One that God sent speaks God’s words. And don’t think he rations out the Spirit in bits and pieces. The Father loves the Son extravagantly. He turned everything over to him so he could give it away—a lavish distribution of gifts. That is why whoever accepts and trusts the Son gets in on everything,…

Why Elisabeth Elliot Changed Her Beliefs about Finding God’s Will

Why Elisabeth Elliot Changed Her Beliefs about Finding God’s Will June 28, 2023 by: Lucy S. R. Austen Seeking God’s Will Of the many books Elisabeth Elliot wrote, her best-known is surely her first, Through Gates of Splendor. The 1957 multibiography is first and foremost a narrative of how five families came together to plan…

10 Things You Should Know about Sanctification

10 Things You Should Know about Sanctification June 27, 2023 by: Margaret Elizabeth Köstenberger This article is part of the 10 Things You Should Know series. Our Identity in Christ A significant part of our identity in Christ is that we’re washed, renewed, and regenerated by the Holy Spirit (Titus 3:5). Though work remains to…

Courage with Cold Feet

2 Samuel 23:20 Courage with Cold Feet Benaiah, one of King David’s ‘mighty men’, ‘was a valiant fighter.  He went down into a pit on a snowy day and killed a lion.’ That’s what’s called ‘courage with cold feet’. The greatest courage of all is showing courage in the face of fear. Courage is just…

Courage with Cold Feet was originally published on BIBLE Knowledge