How to Fight Well in the War against Porn

How to Fight Well in the War against Porn July 08, 2023 by: Ray Ortlund Guard1 your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.—Prov. 4:23 Guard Your Heart from Lustful Thoughts Many people believe they’ll flourish from the outside in, but we believe we flourish from the inside out. We…

Your Gender Is God’s Good Design

Your Gender Is God’s Good Design June 17, 2023 by: Rachel Gilson Understanding Sexed Embodiment When the Son of God took on a human nature, he underlined forever the dignity and value of human embodiment, because he shared it—and still does. He did not leave his human nature behind; he is still fully human and…

GOD’S timing

This entry is part 2 of 22 in the series Walk without Boundaries.

Today is the perfect moment to embrace freedom.Today is the ideal time to take action.True liberation awaits, for it is readily available.If you seek it, always keep this in mind. Freedom is a priceless gift bestowed upon both you and me.Now is the time to break free,Freedom knows no bounds and is bestowed upon those…

STOP Drunk Driving

This entry is part 4 of 10 in the series What is Sin?

Please consider signing the petition at > STOP Drunk Driving » Blow the Whistle! As people of faith, we bear a responsibility to stand resolute against the scourge of drunk driving within our communities. Let us fervently pray for those who have been affected by this destructive behavior. Turning a blind eye to such…


Where are you hiding your hurt? Are you a fallen one? Has life knocked you down and completely scattered your dreams? My friend, you are loved beyond measure. I do feel for you and understand that bad things happen to great, amazing people; bad things happened to you. Unfortunately, our world is filled with individuals…