Your battles getting to big?

This entry is part 1 of 14 in the series Let's Pray


Lord, you are my only Hope and I come to you first; MY FIRST LOVE! How will I ever make it without you – How will I survive the storms of life? You carry me and protect me – wherever I might go. You have my back like a loyal big brother.

I must confess that, deep within my heart, I am aware of your constant presence in my life. Yet, in this very moment, my world is spinning out of control, engulfed by the tempestuous chaos that surrounds me. Oh, how I implore you to step forth and with your mighty power, silence this turbulent STORM that rages within me! In you, I have found my guiding light, my source of hope and salvation. I beseech you, my way maker, to manifest your divine power and bestow upon me the precious gift of REST.

We pray this in the mighty name of JESUS CHRIST.

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