Truth or Dare!

By Koa Sinag

Very sad but interesting read >

This was my comment:

I challenge all Followers of Christ to pray for Michael R. Burch as He’s undoubtedly willing to spend time with the word of God but not quite ready to surrender or have found Him. Let us pray for redemption from the foul, dirty spirit that is corrupting his mind. Let us stand strong for this soon-to-be man of GOD. We CALL the Damascus Road experience over his life. We pray that Michael will not get away with these words. Make him accountable and be gracious so that he can bear witness of God’s amazing forgiveness.

In Jesus’ name, we say AMEN!

Please only leave comments that will bring Michael closer to finding the Jesus of his heart! This article is clearly a call for help.

Michael, you got hooked, my Friend. It’s obvious to me why someone would write an article as long as this. Please let me tell you, Michael: You got JESUS hooked, hook line, and sinker! You just don’t know it yet. Just a quick reminder of what your name really means. From the Hebrew name מִיכָאֵל (Mikha’el) meaning “who is like God?” You are called for God’s Kingdom from birth!

I do agree that there are a lot of questions that do not have any answers in the bible. I do have questions myself, but I don’t go into a milli-mocking tantrum. Some parts are written by people and other parts are inspired by the SPIRIT OF GOD. The Bible is the starting point for knowing the true God. You cannot define Jesus or GOD in a book; you have to have a relationship; It is only by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit that you can make sense of GOD.  

I DARE YOU: If you do not trust anybody for answers, why don’t you be so bold and ask God to show you the truth? Why are you trying to give an opinion when you have NO idea of who מִיכָאֵל (Mikha’el) -“who is like God”—is in the first place? Why are you here on earth, to be mocker?

I would just like to warn you מִיכָאֵל – God, that is Jesus’ father, does not take mockery lightly. History is strewn with arrogant individuals who challenged GOD. You remember Paul [Acts 9:3-5]—he hated Jesus AND killed EVERYONE who followed Jesus. God forgave Paul, and He will forgive you as well.

I pray that God will shine his LOVE and MERCY on you! May you see GOD so clearly that you can’t deny Him. I pray that this Jesus you hate so much will show his face to you. Not the “jesus” from the Bible, but the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the Jesus who rose from the dead. The JESUS, who met Paul on the Damascus Road!

Be blessed, brother; I hope you surrender soon!


#koa sinag #koasinag #findingjesus #michaeljesus’sbestfriend

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