Dear Pastor . . . When You Wonder How You’ll Make It, Remember This

Dear Pastor . . . When You Wonder How You’ll Make It, Remember This June 18, 2023 This article is part of the Dear Pastor series. Dear Pastor, What you and I both need to make it over the long haul, I feel hesitant to share. In my experience, this unsaid thing for sustaining a…

The Message of the Book of Romans in One Sentence

The Message of the Book of Romans in One Sentence June 11, 2023 by: Andrew David Naselli The Good News of the Gospel Romans is about the good news—the gospel. The word gospel is prominent at the beginning and end of the letter, and it’s foremost in the letter’s thesis statement in Romans 1:16–17: “I’m…


This entry is part 5 of 15 in the series Slowly

Are you made of stone? So, you say we are part of this world and need to blend in… That approach will get you very far away from GOD. Dressing yourself as “I am one with the world” will only confuse you, and if you want people in your sphere of influence to believe your…

He Is Risen!

He Is Risen! Today is Easter Sunday, when Christians all over the world join together in celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.   Many also make today an opportunity for renewal, a chance to pursue new beginnings. No matter how you choose to celebrate, here are a few easy ways that…

He Is Risen! was originally published on BIBLE Knowledge