The Message of the Book of Romans in One Sentence

The Message of the Book of Romans in One Sentence June 11, 2023 by: Andrew David Naselli The Good News of the Gospel Romans is about the good news—the gospel. The word gospel is prominent at the beginning and end of the letter, and it’s foremost in the letter’s thesis statement in Romans 1:16–17: “I’m…

The Wisdom of Love, Mt. 22:34-40

The Wisdom of Love, Mt. 22:34-40 It is a matter of some real concern that we live in an age where the meaning of words is being purposefully altered for less than honest reasons and are certainly misleading. This should be a cause for concern, especially for Christian believers because if the meaning of words…


This entry is part 5 of 15 in the series Slowly

Are you made of stone? So, you say we are part of this world and need to blend in… That approach will get you very far away from GOD. Dressing yourself as “I am one with the world” will only confuse you, and if you want people in your sphere of influence to believe your…


1 John 4:7 While the Bible clearly teaches self-worth, it also DENOUNCES SELF INTEREST. When Jesus was asked what the greatest commandment was, He said that we were to love God with all our hearts, and love others with the same concern that we show for ourselves (Mark 12:30-31). When we obsess over ourselves, we…

DENOUNCES SELF INTEREST TODAY! was originally published on BIBLE Knowledge

Solving the Biggest Marriage Problem

Matthew 19:6 Solving the Biggest Marriage Problem The biggest problem in marriage is selfishness. When you’ve spent your life doing things your own way, it’s hard to give up that right and defer to another person. Some days you will do it well, other days poorly, and other days not at all. Paul Tripp writes,…