The Helper of the Hurting

The Helper of the Hurting A couple of times now I have shared prayers from a new book I am really enjoying. Prone to Wander is a wonderful new collection of prayers inspired by The Valley of Vision. I probably can’t share too many more of them lest I fun afoul of copyright laws, but I did want…

I Believe…

Written 30/01/2005 Author: Thomas Murphy   I Believe I will Believe… In every word your say to me I will Believe in your word… I Believe In your love… I Believe In the holes in your Hands & Feet… I Believe In the blood that came from your side… I believe in you o God!…

I Believe… was originally published on BIBLE Knowledge

Pray a Prayer of Release

PROVERBS 26:2 Pray a Prayer of Release Author Stormie Omartian grew up with a mother who told her she was worthless. She locked Stormie in a closet because she couldn’t ‘stand to see her daughter’s face’! Stormie writes: ‘I was raised by a mentally ill mother and her behavior left me with guilt, hopelessness, helplessness…

Pray a Prayer of Release was originally published on BIBLE Knowledge

Move when You move

This entry is part 9 of 14 in the series Let's Pray

Help me find Your purpose for me. Prayer: Father, you have been and always will be loyal and faithful to the words that uttered so long ago. As you created the cosmos, you created things far away and deep into time. You created me and my purpose, you knitted time and paths to join and…

When I lose myself in Anxiety

Lord of my heart… Matt. 11 Verses 28 to 30 [28] Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. [29] Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. [30] For…